During the week I heard a definition of resentful that I had not heard before: "to feel again". Sometimes something happens to trigger us to feel again and shows us that an earlier wound has not yet been healed.
I also revisited some notes I took while listening to a speaker share about her journey:
This lady could hardly believe it, she had visited 3 different churches on 3 successive Sundays. "Every time I sit in a church they talk about forgiveness" BUT this time the old man in the pulpit asked has anyone explained how to forgive when you can't?
He explained that apart from God we can do nothing...even forgive when we know we ought and it seems impossible and/ or unreasonable. He said "Let me explain how to forgive when you can't". The old parson explained that God's very nature is to forgive and we need to go to Him to ask us to help us to be willing to forgive so that our our "forgiveness tank" can be refilled and then this can flow onto those who need that forgiveness. He also explained that we need to release them to God into the freedom of forgiveness and (from) our judgment.
She prayed "Lord I am willing to be willing, Lord would you release your spirit of forgiveness in me so that I can release it out" She also spoke to the old minister..."When I came in this morning I made a terrible judgement on you and this whole church; but let me tell you I am so thankful to God for you have explained to me how I can do it; not just that I must do it...but HOW I can do it"
On reflection she then went on to say..."There is something about the heart of the Father that smiles on us when we actually chose to forgive those who have most done us harm"